Normally, "salt" is 97% sodium chloride. We have been using it to season food for thousands of years. But unfortunately we often use too much of it. Too much salt causes high blood pressure in particular.
The sodium is harmful, because sodium and potassium must be in a suitable ratio so that muscles and nerves can function. However, we often have too little of the important potassium in our food.
There is a simple and inexpensive solution here: simply take some potassium salt instead of sodium salt. This kills two birds with one stone. More potassium and less sodium.
The salt in this practical sprinkle tin (500g) consists of about half potassium salt. It tastes just as "salty" as the usual salt. However, it provides valuable potassium instead of excessive sodium.
Ingredients: Sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium-potassium citrate
and nothing else (free from flavor enhancers)
Nutritional information:
per 100g per 5g
Sodium 20g 1 g
Potassium 23g 1.15g (58% of the recommended intake)
Health claims: Naresa contributes to
- normal function of the nervous system
-normal function of the muscles
-maintenance of normal blood pressure