Do you have enough energy? Do you have enough vitamin B?
B vitamins are practically everywhere, because every living creature we eat also uses them. However, because they are sensitive to heat, the supply from our highly processed foods is often low. A balanced diet is therefore difficult.
There ist a study for the average nationwide nutrition from Germany: Nationale Verzehrsstudie II . Here you find:
79% of men and 86% of women do not reach the recommended daily intake of folate equivalents.
21% of men and 32% of women do not reach the recommended daily intake of vitamin B1.
20% of men and 26% of women do not reach the recommended daily intake of vitamin B2.
12% of men and 13% of women do not reach the recommended daily intake of vitamin B6.
8% of men and 26% of women do not reach the recommended daily intake of vitamin B12.
What suffers as a result? The energy. We need energy for every thought, every heartbeat and almost all processes in the body.
Therefore, we introduced a product with Vitamin B-Complex Caps . This allows you to exceed the recommendations easily and cost-effectively. Particularly important for times of high stress or less than optimal nutrition.
Carbohydrates in particular have to pass through a complicated system of enzymes (PDH) before they can be utilised. This is again dependent on B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5). These vitamins are also needed (and consumed) further down the line (in the citric acid cycle), as are iron, copper and magnesium. And the coenzyme Q10, which our mitochondria use, in turn requires B2, B3 and GG (geranylgeraniol) in order to be sufficiently produced.
Above all, this speaks in favour of always eating high-quality, fresh food that contains these vitamins. However, this is not so easy, as nutritional analyses and the consumption study above testify. Yeast and wholemeal products in particular would contain many B vitamins. Anyone who is unable to obtain this from their normal diet, for example due to diets, intolerances or bad eating habits (fast food), should at least consider taking a food supplement.
CoenzymQ10 (Ubichinol)
Another topic relating to the energy available to us is coenzyme Q10. Our mitochondria produce 50 to 75 kg of ATP energy per day (that's 2400 kcal or just under 3 kilowatt-hours). This is a considerable amount compared to our body weight. In order for them to do this, they need coenzyme Q10 (in addition to the B vitamins). However, we know that coenzyme Q10 decreases with age - which explains the lower performance with age.
CoenzymeQ10 can be bought and eaten directly. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of it is absorbed. There is now something better, namely GG-geranylgeraniol. This is the building material for CoQ10. And it is very well absorbed. So well, in fact, that studies have shown that it works even better than ready-made coenzyme Q10. We now offer GG-Geranylgeraniol in an extract (from Bixa orellana). GG+T3 orellana mit 225 mg GG (Geranylgeraniol) per day.
cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins)
For anyone taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, it is particularly important to increase CoQ10, as cholesterol-lowering drugs not only block cholesterol, but also GG (geranylgeraniol) and thus also coenzymeQ10.